The structure of this project aims for the flow of subject matter and ease of reference. All subjects and proofs are in order by category and subcategories, and were chosen as simply as possible. The purpose is to show how simple concepts evolve greater ones while avoiding circular arguments. Many math resources exist, but none quite like this one. In textbooks and on the internet, one can find loads of omitted information and circular arguments, and probably not even notice. 'Specially on YouTube, but let's not get into the frustration of watching four different 'proofs' that are actually using the content backwards.
Navigation was set up to be as fluid and convenient as possible. Subjects and proofs use in-text and reference links directly to previous categories which are knowledge prerequisites for the current one. Jump links are for returning to the proof that referenced the prerequisite, so that readers' loci are not lost. Learn links are external links to resources that are meant to teach the relevant subject and better conceptualize it. Those are in place because Math Identities Proofs answers the questions for why it's so, not necessarily always how to use it. As time moves forward, more examples of uses will be included.
Currently, the project is undergoing a conversion process to the current format and only categories with an icon in the navigation banner are complete or actively in process. This is happening because the old format was difficult to navigate and was prone to coding errors, which would have even been true if the proper JavaScript was running. Some jump links may not work yet because the pages still need to be created. The complete contents overview contains links to all the subjects completed now.