2.1.1 Universal Properties
Exponentiation is repeated multiplication. An exponent is the number of times to "times" a number.
- Exponents do not commute: $x^a≠a^x$
- Exponents do not associate: $x^{(a^b)}≠{(x^a)}^b$
- Factoring is the condensing of terms: $x^3$
- The reverse of factoring is expansion: $x·x·x$
2.1.2 Negative Exponents
Deductive Logic
Multiplication is reversible with division, therefore exponential reduction yields inverses once reaching negatives.
$$x^3=1·x·x·x$$ |
$$3^3=27$$ |
$$x^2=1·x·x$$ |
$$3^2=9$$ |
$$x=1·x$$ |
$$3^1=3$$ |
$$x^0=1$$ |
$$3^0=1$$ |
$$x^{-1}=1/x$$ |
$$3^{-1}=1/3$$ |
$$x^{-2}=1/(x·x)$$ |
$$3^{-2}=1/9$$ |
$$x^{-3}=1/(x·x·x)$$ |
$$3^{-3}=1/27$$ |
2.1.3 Power Rule
$$x^a·x^{\pm b}=x^{a \pm b}$$
Deductive Logic
With the same base, $x^a$ is $x$ multiplied $a$ times, $x^b$ is $x$ multiplied $b$ times, and they are multiplied to each other, so then the exponents are added
2.1.4 Higher Exponentials
Evaluate starting from the highest exponent first, working downward, minding parenthesized terms along the way.
2.1.5 Power Distribution
$${(x^a·y^{\pm b})}^c=x^{a·c}·y^{\pm b·c}$$
Deductive Logic
Distribute the exponential $c$ by expanding into ${(x^a)}^c·{(y^{±b})}^c$. The terms are multiplied $c$ times
Given $3·x–5·y=2$, evaluate $8^x/32^y$
Apply the
power rule, then substitute $3·x–5·y=2$
2.1.6 Roots
Reciprocal exponents represent roots and are
multiplicative inverses of their integer counterparts.
2.1.7 Rational Exponents
$$x^{p/q}={(\sqrt[q]{x})}^p=\sqrt[q]{x^p},\medspace\forall x≥0$$
2.1.8 Root Expansion & Factoring
$$\sqrt[n]{x·y^{\pm 1}}=\sqrt[n]{x}·\sqrt[n]{y^{\pm 1}},\medspace x>0 \land y>0$$
Even though $1^2=1$ and $(-1)^2=1$, radicands cannot be factored into two negatives because it creates the following logical fallacy
$\qquad 2=2$
$\qquad 2=1+1$
$\qquad 2=1+\sqrt{1}$
$\qquad 2=1+\sqrt{-1·-1}$
$\qquad 2=1+\sqrt{-1}·\sqrt{-1}$
$\qquad 2=1+(\sqrt{-1})^2$
$\qquad 2=1-1$
$\qquad 2=0$
$\qquad $
No solution
2.1.9 Even Roots of Even Powers
$$\sqrt[n]{x^n}=|x|,\medspace\{ 2·n | n \isin \Z \}$$
2.1.A Scientific Notation
All numbers are multiples of ten to a power in accordance with the leading digit