(In case you missed it, both equations are wrong.)
The observation of child behavior by early humans is a plausible reason why people think demons exist.
U.S. history is simple to understand. Basically, an angry teenager ran away from home one day and started taking out its parental issues on everyone else.
Between 15 and 30 years ago, people on the internet used to nerd rage, other people would laugh about it, and everyone would take turns trolling each other for the hilarity of it without everything turning into a polarized political issue. It was a loads of fun. Now it's just social media. *hand jerk motion*
The shortcomings of an artist do not desolate a great work. Besides, think about everyone else involved in a production. Don't let one person screw it up for them.
Regarding the persistent trend of billionaire worship in the US... Just a reminder that they didn't get there by being upstanding citizens, and they don't care about the working class. Questions? Diluted arguments in favor of billionaires, using the economy or whatever?
The problem with AI is not AI itself, but how people are choosing to use it. We should ban marketing business assholes from using it entirely, and keep it only within the realms of ENGINEERING and MEDICINE. We need a better world, and after looking around and at people popularly elected like Trump and Bolsonaro, it's clear humanity can't do it all by themselves.
Sorry for being late on this month's updates under Spotlight if by chance anyone looks for them. The site just turned 2, by the way. Too busy to even do a post about it.
I'm wanting to do away with the Neighbors page for the host eventually for a few reasons. It won't happen for a while, and it won't be updated further, but there are a few things about it as a whole that are not ideal.
The primary reason is that the page doesn't really do any of the sites justice. They're lumped together on one page and there's more than a few of them. For those of you who remember federiefederi (which I'm not doing), one of the complaints of that site was a lack of boosted viewership.
So in its place, I will start adding a section for "Germane content by neighbor sites" as relevant links on related pages, or at least referencing everyone at some point. One of those sections is already on the math page. It will bring focus to viewers who want to chain more of what they're seeing. Anyone who doesn't quite fit the profile of subjects, I will think of ways to expand on that.
If any one of my Neoneighbors, or even not-Neoneighbors would like their content linked anywhere, feel free to comment or message me. If the choice is obvious, I'll be on top of it. And if not, we can talk about it.
Reno 911 (2003-2009, 2020) - series
The first five seasons are hilarious. The sixth and Quibi reboot not so much. In the first five seasons, the show has heavy elements of political incorrectness and sexual deviance. They take possible real scenarios and emphasize the absurdity of them, which is why it's funny. During the reboot however, the show suffers a poor delivery of most of their jokes, which just makes the show come off as racist.
Haven't seen season 8 (2022) yet, and don't want to.
The best episode by far was the one with Garcia's fiancée that they didn't know about. No spoilers.
Happy Feet 1 & 2 (2006, 2011) - movies
Hey, it was $5 at Wal-Mart for both of them. I was really impressed by the inspirational messages laid out in both of them. It's cute, and it's worth a watch even for adults.
Section 31 (2025) - movie
I don't know where to begin with my disappointment for this one. Star Trek has always been an intellectual show, teasing your brain with not knowing what's going on, and twisting plots to keep it unpredictable. Somehow though, this film was even dumber than the Kelvin timeline films.
Spoilers: Section 31 sends their patsies to pick up Georgiou and stop a transaction over an unknown thing that turns out to be a bioweapon of galactic proportion she made in the mirror universe. There's explosions and graphics, a swiftly revealed mole, and a short subplot of love betrayal. That's it. That's the whole movie.
They basically Star Wars'd Star Trek.
Diablo 3 (2012) - video game
Still playing (as a new player), only now I'm drunk with power.
A long time ago, I used to work at a Wendy's. I legally cannot post insider information, but I can tell you that if you're smart, you'll never eat there, period. Don't do it.
So I show up to work one day and within ten minutes of being there, realized I had to take a dump bad. Right when they also told a very young new kid to clean the bathroom. I asked if he can wait because I really had to go. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom, it's locked. So I go back to work, but now I'm watching the corner to see the perpetrator leaving. Whoever is in there is taking for goddamn ever. I finally see an old guy walk out, and after a minute I make a run for it.
It's locked again. Now I'm cramping. And it's taking for goddamn ever again. I'm actually at a point where I'm weighing crapping myself and going home or shitting behind the dumpster in the back. Finally after around 25 minutes, slow ass number two walks out and I waste no time.
I get into the bathroom, and the smell is so bad from people already taking dumps, that I had to put my shirt over my face. I'm usually one to clean the seat, but there was no time. As soon as my ass hit the seat, out came a cannonball of liquid and solid. Shotgun diarrhea. What followed was a good five minutes of rest and recovery, my shirt still over my face.
I get up to finish up, and when I turn around, there is now splatter on the front of the tank centered all the way up vertically. It was there as if it came up from underneath the toilet seat by magic. A star spangled banner, colors inverted. It was pretty bad. I tried to be quiet as I laughed really hard about it. I got my bearings about me and was able to keep a straight face as I left the bathroom.
Going back behind the counter, I see the kid who was told to clean the bathroom. I looked him dead in the eye and said with emphasis, "Whatever mess was made in there, I did not do that."
He's all happy and shit, trying to act professional and acting like its fine, and he goes in there. Twenty seconds later, he comes back behind the counter, now visibly angry, clenched fists, storming around, and not saying anything. I can feel the swarm of bees inside of him.
He didn't look at me or say a word to me for the rest of the night, and after that shift I never saw him again.
Happy New Year!
Race is an oversimplified social construct that tries to lump people into categories. There is no "black" and "white," and the sooner people cut that shit out, the sooner we can see each other as individuals and start healing from all the damage that type of thinking has caused. We're all connected; think about your extended family, and what their extended families on the other side from you could be like. The thing you call race is only a part of a spectrum of hereditary physical traits, and every individual is different. Not only that, we are not our bodies, we are our minds.
That being said, I get that not everyone thinks the same as I do. I can tolerate that people have different views and biases that really don't resonate with my own, to a large extent even. As I say, if your views are offensive towards the being of others, then leave that shit at home. Maybe you'll open your mind someday, but until then just keep contributing to society and try to grow. And in the mean time, because you're not doing yourself or anyone else any favors by spouting off slurs, do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up.
Containment (2016) – short series
It was alright. It was kind of like if it was a real story that they exaggerated and turned into Resident Evil. After seeing her in Farscape and Stargate SG-1, it's hard to imagine Claudia Black as a blonde corrupt politician, but she pulled it off really well.
Doom Patrol (2019-2023) – series
I finally finished the last half of the last season. It was unexpected and weird, as is all of it, but overall good. Plus, I'm kind of biased, because I've been a huge fan of Michelle Gomez ever since her performance as Missy in Doctor Who.
The Penguin (2024) – short series
Freaking outstanding. I could watch it all over again soon. They make the Penguin very relatable in a class warfare type of way, but then they reveal a lot of stuff about him towards the end that makes you hate him. A perfect villain, really. And they don't really get into the fantasy side of it, which makes it even better.
Joker: Folie à Deux (2024) – movie
... Sucked. When you watch a movie like this, you expect to see the Joker, but instead all you get is a rewrite of his whole character which is just plain sad. Also, seldom do I enjoy musicals, so getting through it was difficult because of that alone. I don't ever want to see this shit again.
Edit: I didn't realize when I saw this that it was a sequel to a 2019 Joker movie. The thought of seeing the original kind of pains me, but following the logic of what supposedly happened and that sequels can suck, the original might be worth a watch.
The Nun II (2023) – movie
It was okay I guess, kind of cheesy though. They cheesed it. Not nearly as good as the first one, but if they came out with a third, I'd watch them all in sequence, including this one.
It's Florida, Man! (2024) – short series
Holy shit, hilarious! By far the best episode is the one with the mermaid performers piss fighting the whole time, but the gator episode is a must watch.
Diablo 3 (2012) – video game
Yes, I'm just now getting around to this one and haven't played 4. I just bought a used PS4 off of someone a few months ago after basically being video game dead for well over a decade (few exceptions). Fortunately, this came with it. It's pretty great. More cybergothy and not as regular gothy. Not as insanely hard as 2 was, and a lot more involved.
To be clear, I identify as an anarcho-syndicalist, look it up. But I'm also realistic about what needs to and can change in the near future, so I won't bore you with tales about how dissolving money and voluntarily contributing to society will lead to a United Federation of Planets (Too many selfish people, it won't really happen). And even though I typically can't stand the bipartisan bullshit, I voted for Harris. I liked her, for the most part, and had a lot of faith in her. The mass media did a great job of projecting her inevitable landslide victory, by the way. I never liked Trump or Biden, or Hillary, also to be clear. The 2016 and 2020 elections really made me feel like there was no choice. I already missed Obama before he stepped out of office. I didn't agree with every decision Obama made (Flint, Iran, NDAA), but at least he conducted himself like a professional leader. Then a bunch of shit hit the fan. I feel remorseful for the people born after 2000, because with American politics going from kind of an irritating joke to an absolute circus, the Trump freakshow spotlight is all they have ever known.
On a related note, something I find kind of peculiar. Conspiracy theories used to be embraced by independents who thought the government was literally the embodiment of evil, and a lot of politically motivated conspiracy theories were aimed at the Republican party specifically. Prior to 2015, Republicans rejected conspiracy theories as mindrot made up by dirty hippies and nut jobs, advocated by people like Alex Jones. It wasn't until Alex Jones got involved with the original Trump campaign that it became almost exclusively a Republican mentality. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. Did the ambitious members of the Republican party get overtaken by all the total dipshits? And, I have avoided working on the Conspiracy Theories & Frauds page to avoid the current political ring, and because it makes me sick to bounce back and forth through the notes. I've received compliments from readers, and A LOT of pressure from Revan to continue and expand on it, but it just gives me a damn headache after looking at it for a while.
We know the deal. We've had Trump before. Misdirected rage, fear mongering, yada yada yada. He incited a riot over claims of election fraud and swore to pardon those arrested. He's been in Putin's back pocket and spouted rhetoric that if he loses 2024, then that was stolen too. He's screwed people over left and right, he hates non-whites and women, especially women. No, seriously, you can't spin it, he hates women. He clearly does not give a shit about the working class, and he's always acted out of his own interests. Indicted four times with more felonies than most people alive for serious offenses. Ironically, Republicans used to hate Russia as the greatest communist enemy to the US, and now they're steady kissing the country's ass. Lets also not forget the threats against political rivals and the promise to end ever having to vote again. I can keep going, but we all know because we were there. He is a criminal and a traitor. Bottom line, all bullshit aside, everyone on both sides knows what he really stands for.
And now Project 2025 aims to make our country dumber and worse off. If you don't already know, you really should go check it out instead of relying on 20-second Google searches, friends, or social media to tell you, because it will blow your mind. I guess with Project 2025, Republicans want our country to be less prepared for an invasion? The US has real enemies, the Chinese government for example, which has in recent decades excelled in their technological advancements, namely in the area of weapons research. Chine keeps fronting on the US, might I add. And on a side note, I can promise you their population is much further along in education. So, by getting rid of the Department of Education, getting rid of NOAA, promoting science denial, and leaving Doctor Oz, the TV guy who was sued for pushing false products, in charge of Medicare, how fucked are we if we get attacked? Oh well, at least in the unlikely event we do get invaded, maybe we'll have some better freedoms and programs.
I feel now is a good time to state that I'm fascinated with the culture and history of both Russia and China and am able to distinguish between the people and government for both countries.
Anyone can try to dress it down. Republicans can say they voted for him because of the economy, and Democrats can say that oh it actually won't be that bad. Take a moment to reflect on what happened the first time, because an entire gang of them are proposing far more.
Fifty percent of all voters, 76.8 million people voted for this to lead the nation. If that's what was voted for, the good news is at least we all know where we stand. Divided, polarized on some serious issues. If it were any other Republican candidate, especially respectable ones like the late John McCain, I could say, "Oh, okay, well shit." But I've been in an unshakable state of "What in the holy unreal fuck" ever since the election results came in, and it has been like living in a fever dream of anticipation the whole time.
Having a blog is addictive, isn't it?
After 1.75 years, the Math Identities Proofs page is still severely lacking. There are a few reasons for this. The first is that the format as it is now was only created about this time last year, and some effort was put into learning how to format it properly, even having to get creative with KaTex itself. The second has been due to limited time and emotional exhaustion from working too much and juggling that with being a voluntary caregiver, so the motivation pops in during short bursts and then dies for a while.
The third is a weird mental block in my mind that creating or finding the right image for scenarios that require them always feels difficult to start even though it is fairly easy, if that makes any sense. It's also the same mental hang-up for when I have to cover things I've never actually used before so that I can apply them to later sections, and even those are also fairly easy.
The project started when I was keeping flash cards of identities to stay fresh on memory in college, and ending up with something like 350 of them, categorized. It didn't take me long to figure out that sometimes the internet and occasionally, to my surprise, somehow, even a textbook can give the wrong information. So I decided to learn the Insert - Equation feature on MS Word, added them all to a document, and started working on proofs here and there to show that they were in fact right. This was on and off for several years until about two years ago when I went over each category to make sure they were complete and everything was in order by how they could be proven, and I started making PDFs to share online. The only trouble is that nobody looks at PDFs anymore.
You wouldn't believe the number of proofs I've had to sift through on some of these, especially for derivatives where there's probably 4-5 for each one, and some vastly more complicated than others. I chose the simple and necessary routes and made them clearer. I've come across some that make me just angry because they use "proofs" in a higher category with assumptions in previous sections and circular logic, or they use circular logic for definitions that are assumed... wait... because they're just straight up incoherent.
This is all too common in hyperbolic trigonometry, where the analytic functions are the definitions, effectively leaving out a bunch of shit on how those are proven, and then using those to "prove" the other things with which you need to prove them. In fact, this is one of my renewed motivations, to get to that point in the page and spell it out, since I've had to figure out a final geometric proof in the process for it on my own. I've already set up the headers for it, which, unironically, mirrors the entire process for getting to the analytic circular trig functions. Curious how the circular analytic functions aren't considered definitions but the hyperbolic analytic functions are, by the way. I guess the use of imaginary units is too complicated to simply look at by trigonometry, even though they collapse into real numbers 100% of the time.
Anyways, I decided on the format of the existing page around this time last year and have worked on it when I can ever since, which has been a pretty great learning experience in itself. No one has ever provided any specific feedback, so there's no telling how many errors or how much confusion permeates the page. At least when I find it myself, the fixes are simple. And the good thing about it is that I am pressuring myself to make it right by putting myself on blast.
I want to finish. I want the links to expand the headers. Nobody wants this more than I do. It's like a baby I'm trying to teach how to walk so that it can grow up and function in the world. One person did offer to help with that and said it was easy, but I haven't heard from them since, which was early this year. So, I aim to make another focused attempt at it before officially moving onto derivatives, because it is bothersome and I can't let it go unfinished before everything else gets finished.
It feels weird getting compliments on the page at all because of that one element, but I'm grateful that people are looking at it and seeing its value.
Side note: I'm cranky as hell because my teeth have decided to torture me into insanity.
There's so much I want to say, but there's not really anywhere to say it, so I'm starting this blog. I started this website almost two years ago, because I found Neocities to be a friendlier and more inclusive environment than the Spacehey environment that I was primarily on. Now it seems like emotionally disturbed individuals from there are spilling over onto here anyways and bringing their behavior with them. Fortunately, that is something that can be ignored for the most part, which is why I'm selective with whom I follow and interact.
I started on Spacehey because a friend had recommended it to me, even though he never created an account. Lol. I found that I could somewhat share some old projects on there with a sense of permanence, but it was fairly limited, being unable to upload files or turn them into pages to an extent. I found Neocities when searching for alternatives and was not disappointed. The pages under featured on my index are what I wanted to spread awareness about the most. That's still very hard to do when most people in general are stuck on humanities and entertainment subjects and don't care about science at all, but I'm still not disappointed, because at least now they are being seen. With at least someone out there seeing the information, I'm satisfied to be doing my part in contributing to peoples' knowledge.
I'm a frustrated individual because of peoples' ignorance and dumbass decisions I've been forced to witness and even suffer throughout life, so I'm doing what I can to draw attention to the site now. It's not about me or my other projects anymore, which is why I use an alias, it's about influencing society to dig ourselves out of the idiocracy in which we are deeply entrenched. I'm tired of dealing with loud mouth stupid assholes who just go around irritating everyone with dumb bullshit and getting ahead by doing it, because they attract people that are even dumber than they are. Sound like anyone, someone in a lead role perhaps? Isn't anyone else tired of this?
Well guess what? Education is going to be the primary motivating force that will eventually change that, and that doesn't mean forcing bibles into schools before Project 2025 dissolves the Department of Education. I'm talking about informative books and resources, not the most boring form fiction has to offer. I'm going to continue to grow a hub of links to where fantastic sources of information can be found, and I'm going to inspire others to do the same in one way or another. The truth is we could never count on public school to teach us anyways, so we have to start by owning the responsibility for ourselves.