TI-89 Programs

TI-89 Titanium Simulator External Link

A program inserted within other graphics programs to allow standard graph navigation for image placement.

Variables k, x and y must not be local
This is for a screen resolution of 159x77

:Goto #("k"&string(exact(k)))

:Lbl k337
:If x≠0
:Goto e
:Lbl k340
:If x≠158
:Goto e
:Lbl k338
:If y≠0
:Goto e
:Lbl k344
:If y≠76
:Goto e

:Lbl k339
:If x≠0 and y≠0 Then
:Goto e
:Lbl k345
:If x≠0 and y≠76 Then
:Goto e
:Lbl k342
:If x≠158 and y≠0 Then
:Goto e
:Lbl k348
:If x≠158 and y≠76 Then
:Goto e

:Lbl k4433
:If x≥10
:Goto e
:Lbl k4436
:If x≤148
:Goto e
:Lbl k4434
:If y≥10
:Goto e
:Lbl k4440
:If y≤66
:Goto e

:Lbl k4435
:If x≥10 and y≥10 Then
:Goto e
:Lbl k4441
:If x≥10 and y≤66 Then
:Goto e
:Lbl k4438
:If x≤148 and y≥10 Then
:Goto e
:Lbl k4444
:If x≤148 and y≤66 Then
:Goto e

:Lbl 13
:Lbl k4109
:Lbl k0
:Lbl e
Removes anything visual from the graph display.

Turns off or inverts the graph display. Use 0 for points off, –1 for invert, or 1 for all points on.

:Local y
:For y,0,76
:PxlHorz y,exact(t)
Moves a point on the graph screen until activated by hitting enter, the point can then be moved freely to draw until hitting enter a second time.

:Local i,j
:StoPic j
:If i=0
:RplcPic j
:keyarrow() © (first program above)
:PxlOn y,x
:If k=13 and i=1
:Goto e
:If k=13 and i=0
:Lbl e
:DelVar k,x,y
Adds saved picture to graph display in selected position.

:Local i
:StoPic i
:RplcPic i
:RclPic #p,y,x
:If k=13
:StoPic i
:If k=4109
:Goto e
:keyarrow() © (first program above)
:Lbl e
:DelVar k,x,y
Allows placement of a rectangle in the graph display in a position and size of choice. Plot is a solid 3x3 box, it must be saved to use this program the way it has been set up.

:Local i,ξ,ψ
:StoPic i
:RplcPic i
:keyarrow() © (first program above)
:RclPic plot,y,x
:If k=13
:Goto m
:Lbl m
:RplcPic i
:If k≠13
:RclPic plot,y,x
:PxlLine ψ,ξ,ψ,x+1
:PxlLine ψ,ξ,y+1,ξ
:PxlLine y+1,ξ,y+1,x+1
:PxlLine ψ,x+1,y+1,x+1
:If k=13
:Goto e
:Lbl e
:DelVar k,x,y
Flips the graph display horizontally.

:Local i
:For i,0,158
:StoPic #("m"&string(exact(i))),0,i,1,77
:graphoff() © (second program above)
:For i,0,158
:RclPic #("m"&string(exact(i))),0,158-i
:For i,0,158
:DelVar #("m"&string(exact(i)))
Flips the graph display vertically.

:Local i
:For i,0,76
:StoPic #("m"&string(exact(i))),i,0,159,1
:graphoff() © (second program above)
:For i,0,76
:RclPic #("m"&string(exact(i))),76-i,0
:For i,0,76
:DelVar #("m"&string(exact(i)))
Creates a noise effect on the graph display which eventually appears as static. This is an endless loop which must be broken manually.

:Local i
:If t=-1 Then
:PxlChg rand(77)-1,rand(159)-1
:If t=0 Then
:PxlOff rand(77)-1,rand(159)-1
:If t=1 Then
:PxlOn rand(77)-1,rand(159)-1
Fades graph screen by inverting pixels on every other line vertically, then horizontally.

:Local i
:For i,0,76,2
:PxlLine i,0,i,158,-1
:For i,0,158,2
:PxlLine 0,i,76,i,-1
A display effect of binary code in the program IO inspired by The Matrix.

:Local f
:If x>255
:For f,1,x
:Disp right(string(expr(string(67108864+rand(67108863))&"►Bin")),26)

Searches for and replaces a character in a string value.

:Local d,i,t
:If getType(s)≠"STR"
:For i,1,dim(s)
Displays all letters in a string as uppercase.

:Local c,i,t
:If getType(s)≠"STR"
:For i,1,dim(s)
:t&char(when(c≥97 and-c≤122,c-32,c))→t
Displays all letters in string a as lowercase.

:Local c,i,t
:If getType(s)≠"STR"
:For i,1,dim(s)
:t&char(when(c≥65 and-c≤90,c+32,c))→t
Displays all 1st letters in words in a string as capitalized.

:Local c,d,i,t
:If getType(s)≠"STR"
:For i,1,dim(s)
:t&char(when(c≥97 and c≤122 and (i=1 or d=32),c-32,
…when(c≥65 and c≤90 and i≠1 and d≠32,c+32,c)))→t
Displays anything in centered alignment in PrgmIO

:Local i,f
:If getType(x)≠"STR"
:For i,1,f
:" "&x→x
:Disp x
Displays anything in two columns in PrgmIO

:Local b,i
:If getType(l)≠"STR"
:If dim(l)>13 or dim(m)>13-Then
:Title "ERROR"
:Text "Dimension"
:Goto e
:If getType(m)≠"STR"
:For i,1,b
:l&" "→l
:Disp l&m
:Lbl e
Displays anything to the left and a second statement or numbers to the right with a choice of guide between the two in PrgmIO

:Local f,m,s
:If getType(L)≠"STR"
:If getType(r)≠"STR"
:If t="b" Then
:For f,1,s
:m&" "→m
:If t="d" Then
:For f,1,s
:If t="m" Then
:For f,1,s
:If t="u" Then
:For f,1,s
:Disp L&m&r
Enter a phrase and hand it off to a friend. Bug free of pressing all the wrong keys and not case sensitive. Only replaces letters with underscores.

:Local e,f,g,h,i,t,u
:For i,1,dim(s)
:t&char(when(g≥65 and g≤90 or g≥97 and g≤122,95,g))→t
:Lbl i
:If e≥1:Disp " 0 "&f
:If e=2:Disp " |"
:If e=3:Disp "-+"
:If e≥4:Disp "-+-"
:If e=5:Disp "/"
:If e=6:Disp"/ \"
:If e=0:Disp ""
:If e≤1:Disp ""
:If e≤4:Disp ""
:If s=t or e=6
:Goto f
:Disp t
:InputStr "Your Letter?",g
:when(g≥65 and g≤90,g+32,g)→g
:If g≤96 or g≥123
:Goto i
:If inString(s,g)=0 and-inString(s,h)=0 and inString(f,h)=0 Then
:For i,1,dim(s)
:If mid(s,i,1)=g Then
:ElseIf mid(s,i,1)=h Then
:Lbl f
:Disp s
:If e=6
:Disp "You Died!"
:If s=t
:Disp "You Live!"

Generates a list of all prime numbers between two inputs.

:Local x,m
:For x,i,f
:If isPrime(x)=true
Returns a randomized integer list with each element appearing only once.

:Local i,j,m,r
:For i,1,n
:Lbl i
:For j,1,dim(m)
:If r=mid(m,j,1)
:Goto i
Converts a list format to a string format

:Local s,i,x
:For i,1,dim(m)
:If i≠dim(m)
:s&" "→s
Determines if list contains a certain value

:Local i
:For i,1,dim(m)
:If string({n})=string(mid(m,i,1))
:Return i

Converts input meters to exact feet, inches, and nearest 32nd of an inch.

Converts decimal to any number system from 1 to 36 and vise versa depending on input.

:Local s,e,t
:If getType(d)="NUM" Then
:While e≠0
:If t>9 Then
:For e,1,dim(d)
:If ord(t)>64
Allows time for a key to be pressed and returns its numerical value. This was helpful in creating the graphics navigation program keyarrow().

:Local k
:For k,0,1
TI-89/92 has no concept of time measurement. This program should be calibrated where the 96 is before use.

:Local s,t
:Disp "Ready..."
:If mod(t,96)=0 Then
:Disp "Seconds: "&string(s)
Basically a time dilation or stalling program.

:Local i
:While i≠f
Clears dimensional units returning a scalar value.

A reflex game of how long you can continue to press displayed numbers. "t" is the elapsed time to react, meaning higher numbers yield slower speeds.

:Local d,t,z
:Disp d
:If getkey()-48=d
:Goto m
:If t=0
:Goto n
:Lbl m
:If z=1000
:Goto n
:Lbl n
:Disp z
Randomly assigns a positive or negative value by multiplication of 1 or -1.

Yields complex and real solutions for quadratic equations in list form.

A memory game for guessing each next number in a sequence to avoid starting all over. Variable n represents how many numbers will be used in each digit, and variable v is the overall digits.

passcode(n,v) :Prgm
:Local i,k,s,t
:For i,1,v
:While s≠t
:If inString(i,k)=1 Then
:Disp t
Scoreboard for top 6 scores. Enter name and score. Enter "" for the name and 0 as the score to set up or reset this program.

:Local t
:If n="" and r=0 Then
:If r(less thans6
:Goto d
:If r≥s6
:If r≥s5
:If r≥s4
:If r≥s3
:If r≥s2
:If r≥s1
:If t=6 Then r→s6
:ElseIf t=5 Then
:ElseIf t=4 Then
:ElseIf t=3 Then
:ElseIf t=2 Then
:ElseIf t=1 Then
:Lbl d
:dsplftmd(n1,string(s1)) © (text two columns program above)
A program setup for questionnaires.

:Local q,a,s,t

:Title "Question "&string(q)
:Text "Inquiry Here"
:Text "" © (leave this blank for space)
:Dropdown("",{"Selection A","Selection B","Selection C"},a
:If a=1 © (dropdown selection for correct answer)
:0→a © (clears value in case next answer is skipped with ESC)

© (Can be repeated for any number of questions)

:Disp "Correct: "&string(s)&" out of "&string(q)
:Disp "Your score: "&string(t)&"%"
:If t≥70 Then
:Disp "You Pass!"
:Disp "You Fail!"