Essential versus Non-essential Nutrients
Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes are essential for the body's functionality. Prebiotics and probiotics effectively act as catalysts in maintaining good health, but are not essential.
Herbs and homeopathics are believed to be and marketed as natural medicines, and are based only in pseudoscience. Some are proven to be effective for treating conditions while most are not, and some are proven to cause side effects on varying levels. Much of the rest of the general information section primarily serves as a warning against ignored problems and misinformation within the supplemental industry.
Herbs and homeopathics are believed to be and marketed as natural medicines, and are based only in pseudoscience. Some are proven to be effective for treating conditions while most are not, and some are proven to cause side effects on varying levels. Much of the rest of the general information section primarily serves as a warning against ignored problems and misinformation within the supplemental industry.
RDV's and ODL's will be listed with essential nutrients. They stand for required daily value and overdose limit, respectively. The required daily value is the minimum for the body to function effectively. The lines for RDV's and ODL's are somewhat blurred because everyone's biology is different from everyone else's.
Higher amounts of things can be taken for reasons, such as higher amounts of zinc, aminos and proteins for being physically laborious. Always pay attention to your body and make sure you're not taking too much of something. Excess of the overdose limit for anything is not advisable unless instructed by a medical professional who tells you that you have a deficiency.
Remember that it is possible to overdose on anything, even if there is no known overdose limit. To put it into perspective, it is even possible to overdose on water. So if you see an ∞ as the ODL below, it doesn't suggest you can start cramming it like an Oreo cookie addiction.
Higher amounts of things can be taken for reasons, such as higher amounts of zinc, aminos and proteins for being physically laborious. Always pay attention to your body and make sure you're not taking too much of something. Excess of the overdose limit for anything is not advisable unless instructed by a medical professional who tells you that you have a deficiency.
Remember that it is possible to overdose on anything, even if there is no known overdose limit. To put it into perspective, it is even possible to overdose on water. So if you see an ∞ as the ODL below, it doesn't suggest you can start cramming it like an Oreo cookie addiction.
Probiotic consumption is simple to understand. Probiotics are bacteria that are healthy to consume because they fight other bacteria in your digestive system, which in turn reduces strain on your immune system. Many brands will advertise the potency of bacteria present, saying in large letters that x billion cells are in each serving. Potency does not matter beyond 10 billion, because the excess becomes extracted. What does matter is the number of different strains present; the higher, the better.
Synthetic, Food Based, & Whole Food
Synthetic supplements are isolated supplements processed chemically. They are okay for consumption but not ideal for long term use. They tend to strain the digestive system on account of the body being used to breaking down cells to process them. Synthetic supplements can often cause nausea and sometimes vomiting if too much is taken in one dose.
Food based supplements are isolated supplements grown with or inserted into an edible food source so that they are not isolated. They are better for consumption than synthetic supplements and do not cause nausea. Purchasing these will always be a much better option over synthetic supplements. You will not find them at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and CVS, so you will most likely have to go to a health foods store.
Whole food supplements are concentrated with actual food sources that are dehydrated and processed. This is the best option for consumption, but it is also rare in stores.
Food based supplements are isolated supplements grown with or inserted into an edible food source so that they are not isolated. They are better for consumption than synthetic supplements and do not cause nausea. Purchasing these will always be a much better option over synthetic supplements. You will not find them at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and CVS, so you will most likely have to go to a health foods store.
Whole food supplements are concentrated with actual food sources that are dehydrated and processed. This is the best option for consumption, but it is also rare in stores.
Is natural safe?
The short answer is no. Something being natural does not mean it was meant for human consumption. Poison ivy is natural. Similarly, because something is commonly understood to be used as an alternative treatment for a condition does not mean that it treats the condition.
Remember that all perceivable matter is chemical. It is YOUR responsibility to know what you purchase and consume. It is YOUR mistake if you did not read about something on a credible source prior to consumption. Sales representatives and clerks will not care if you have bought something potentially harmful to you, and it will not come back on them.
Remember that all perceivable matter is chemical. It is YOUR responsibility to know what you purchase and consume. It is YOUR mistake if you did not read about something on a credible source prior to consumption. Sales representatives and clerks will not care if you have bought something potentially harmful to you, and it will not come back on them.
Drug Interactions
If you have a medical condition and/or are taking medications, be sure check for drug interferences prior to consumption. This includes high amounts of supplements that are essential nutrients. I highly recommend as the most excellent resource for drug and disease interactions. This is inclusive of supplements and has a search option that allows for more than just two factors. When searching for even just one factor, it will even give you a complete list of interactions organized by severity of risks.
Do not learn things the hard way from a medical professional. Things like taking glucosamine chondroitin accelerating mycobacterial infection in lungs.

Do not learn things the hard way from a medical professional. Things like taking glucosamine chondroitin accelerating mycobacterial infection in lungs.
Harmful "Other Ingredients"
Other ingredients will always be listed under the nutrition label. Read them. It has to be said that they are not there because of nutritional value, nor are they types of bonus ingredients as some people have suggested. Other ingredients refers to either the excipients or the capsule containing the supplement.
Potassium sorbate is listed in most liquid supplements. It is a food preservative that while added in low enough quantities to be determined as safe by many agencies, the concern for it is its consumption over an extended period of time. It has an NFPA 704 toxicity of 2, and in large quantities has been shown to be damaging to genes, especially when consumed with nitrites. Though in reality it may not be easy, it is best to avoid potassium sorbate where possible.
Magnesium stearate and stearic acid are closely related industrial lubricants added to most solid supplements. They are present to prevent the supplement from clinging to machines during the manufacturing process, and for no other reason. While added in low enough quantities to be determined as safe by many agencies, the concern is for their consumption over an extended period of time. They both have an NFPA 704 toxicity of 1. According to ONE study, too much of it can cause irritation in the bowels which can lead to either diarrhea or a spasm causing the spontaneous crapping of pants. Other health claims about them, such as weakening the body's absorption or disrupting immune function are unsubstantiated. Regardless, it is best to avoid these additives where possible since they are not technically food.
Potassium sorbate is listed in most liquid supplements. It is a food preservative that while added in low enough quantities to be determined as safe by many agencies, the concern for it is its consumption over an extended period of time. It has an NFPA 704 toxicity of 2, and in large quantities has been shown to be damaging to genes, especially when consumed with nitrites. Though in reality it may not be easy, it is best to avoid potassium sorbate where possible.
Magnesium stearate and stearic acid are closely related industrial lubricants added to most solid supplements. They are present to prevent the supplement from clinging to machines during the manufacturing process, and for no other reason. While added in low enough quantities to be determined as safe by many agencies, the concern is for their consumption over an extended period of time. They both have an NFPA 704 toxicity of 1. According to ONE study, too much of it can cause irritation in the bowels which can lead to either diarrhea or a spasm causing the spontaneous crapping of pants. Other health claims about them, such as weakening the body's absorption or disrupting immune function are unsubstantiated. Regardless, it is best to avoid these additives where possible since they are not technically food.
Sales Strategies
Keep in mind that the supplements industry aims to make money just like every other industry.
It's no secret that the pharmaceutical industry has an array of faults. Supplement sales people will use this fact as their go-to sales tactic, projecting an overall blinder for uninformed customers by insinuating that all the products they promote are safe alternatives and even necessary for regular use.
Many sales people will knowingly push unsubstantiated claims of health benefits for their products, stating much of the time that it has been researched by the brand itself. Many will also use shotgun argumentation as a means of blowing uninformed minds to achieve their sales goals.
A purchaser is on their own in learning what is backed by science prior to purchasing. Sales representatives and clerks will sometimes try to convince customers that the science is in, stating x supplement factually works for y condition. They will even go so far as to tell a story of how they know that with some friend or relative. If you believe any of it on the fly, then good luck to you.
Containers will never say something like "cures cancer" because legally they cannot. Often they will say something like "promotes / supports / helps with" immune health. This has no factual implication either way and is perfectly legal, even if it is not true. Sales reps will look for these on labels while showing products to show the customer to effortlessly strengthen their pitch, and make it sound as if the product does improve immune health.
It's no secret that the pharmaceutical industry has an array of faults. Supplement sales people will use this fact as their go-to sales tactic, projecting an overall blinder for uninformed customers by insinuating that all the products they promote are safe alternatives and even necessary for regular use.
Many sales people will knowingly push unsubstantiated claims of health benefits for their products, stating much of the time that it has been researched by the brand itself. Many will also use shotgun argumentation as a means of blowing uninformed minds to achieve their sales goals.
A purchaser is on their own in learning what is backed by science prior to purchasing. Sales representatives and clerks will sometimes try to convince customers that the science is in, stating x supplement factually works for y condition. They will even go so far as to tell a story of how they know that with some friend or relative. If you believe any of it on the fly, then good luck to you.
Containers will never say something like "cures cancer" because legally they cannot. Often they will say something like "promotes / supports / helps with" immune health. This has no factual implication either way and is perfectly legal, even if it is not true. Sales reps will look for these on labels while showing products to show the customer to effortlessly strengthen their pitch, and make it sound as if the product does improve immune health.