California Horse Racing History is a unique and growing site dedicated to a detailed history of equestrianism and horse racing in the state of California spanning as far back as the 1930's. Who runs the site is unclear, but what is clear is an almost spiritual passion of a fellow soul with specialized interests.
The personal space of whom is the inspiration for the format of this page. Cheytopia leaves reviews of movies she has watched, as well as showcases a strong sense of classy fashion.
What is a bard? Come here and you'll find out. This website pays homage to several bards throughout history. Currently, this site is far from complete, but it does point in the direction of a complete list of interesting people. And if the owner of this site is reading, please update. To create something like this and leave it unfinished is a tragedy. It is too interesting, so it needs to be said.
Love witchcraft? So do I. It's mesmerizingly fascinating. This website is dedicated to a personal journey through Hindu magick and a love for it, really showcasing its culture. Feel free to explore this one for a fresh perspective, because whether you're Hindu, into western witchcraft, or unfamiliar with any of it, it may force a pause for thought with many unexpected findings here.
Many Things, a site dedicated to Sweden, the Swedish language, and Nordic runes. This site has an array of resources on learning the Swedish language, how to write using the Nordic runes, and educational resources on Norse mythology.
Doom mods! And Quake mods! Also, a Halloween page full of festivities and reviews. A personal page that Dann has really gone out of his way to make shrines for.
A site that serves as a resource and reading hub heavily focused on ideology in computing and politics, so please visit the links page. They have devoted much time to their site to be thought-provoking and informative, and always in search of something greater. Also displayed is a fine appreciation for excellence in the programming community and in 3D dynamic art. While easy to navigate, there is always an interesting find when visiting.
Home site of an independent artist who produces post-industrial dark ambient music, an aggressive style of horror themes. Be sure to check it out if you were really into Matt Uelmen (Diablo I & II). Much of it even has a dark psybient feel, similar to yet eerier than Carbon Based Lifeforms.
NinjaCoder58, Hollywood vs. Hip Hop is the only rap site you will ever really see in just browsing Neocities, but it's a freaking awesome one. It has several shrine pages dedicated to specific areas and themes.
Onus has returned to us and is planning something big with a site overhaul. Make us proud. Also, we request a button. :)
A unique website dedicated to unicursal mazes and the study of their nature, hosted by the mysterious, yet laudable user Asterion.
A personal website that offers amusing summaries of literature, as well as some form of blogging. And most importantly, tutorials on how to drink sexily. Be sure to also check out Skep's resources, because they're very good about sharing unique and interesting ones.
Website of Jonathan Lacabe, dedicated to teaching math, physics, astronomy & engineering, as well as resources to academic sites. Perfection that we need more of, especially on the Neocities platform. It offers clear explanations on the concepts and uses.
Personal site and blog of a carefree spirit who just wants to share their aesthetics. GhostSalt also produces KTaNE mods on Steam, and you are encouraged to check them out. The main thing that caught my eye about this site was the style of the site itself, being somewhat like a modern variation of some websites from the late 90's.
Home site of a therapist who blogs and creatively writes specific scenarios with intensity and deep meanings. And sometimes those stories have a comically dark ending.
An addicting game, where you start out as a small dot, and then absorb other dots to grow larger. There are different modes, bots, and multiplayer for when other people are online. A therapeutic time-waster which is highly recommended for moments of stress. Its slower pace will numb your mind from the outside world.
A beautifully constructed site that showcases everything one can do with code, and the resources & possibilities here seem endless. The realm of applying mathematical concepts for different kinds of graphics really stands out here. If you're into coding and want to learn a lot more, definitely don't pass up the opportunity of visiting this place.
Love evil? So do I. Come on down into Hell's mouth where you will find crafts... such as sewing, knitting, and embroidery. Also hosting is shrines... such as for My Little Pony... and for Star Trek. They speak Saxon down there too. My Little Pony is worth having for eternity since you'll also have Star Trek.
A site with beautifully written short stories in a unique style in the Projects menu. Read them. The first noticeable element is that characters are easy to follow, because each has a different color associated with them for the text. Their newest project also has utilized emojis as indicators for context or an action, such as the use of 💠to indicate thought. With a lot of writer's "fluff" eliminated in this manner, reading and retention becomes fluid, a feature that hopefully other writers will covet and follow.
If you are an introspective and philosophical person, you might want to open this one. In Torpor, formerly Offline Magazine, has very unique perspectives concerning existence and society that could be considered deeply spiritual, and at the same time makes no spiritual allusions whatsoever. The perfect guide for contemplation and understanding.
Personal space of a fellow INTJ who is studying biomedical science. The webmaster Becki displays a vast array of graphics under Goodies. Kudos for cats, Hello Kitty, Halloween, Sailor Moon, and too many others to list here. If you have a love for pink and cute things, this site is top notch, and there are links to many others of the same aesthetic.
Personal website of a young individual dedicated to creating a truly beautiful expression. They love the night, and it shows through a dominantly calming, yet lively theme. This site contains a blog, and be sure to check out their poetry page.
Glyph Guppy
Spec Gens
Vinyl Vulpes
Friday Girl
Thorn Tails
Stupid Gamer 201
Jett Secret
Technica e Cultura
Divergent Rays
Wizard's Perspective
Who is Hohokam?
Sorzitos Layer
Snowi Bunni
Jerry Lehr
Visual Culture
Horror GIF Necronomicon
Revan Mooo
Castor's Walk
Blank Barrel
Feeling Machine
Spiraled Out Island
Lotus Cube
Mister Dizzy
Arkm's World
Brain Imp
Daughter of Bilitis
Synapse Break
Drop n' Spin Dash
Creeping Net
Jaggie Scrapper
Freckle Skies
Schizopunk Media
Mirror Land
Malu's Haven
Teeth In Vitro
Strange Site
QC Green
Incessant Pain
Xerographic Paper
Burger Cities
Cherry Pyon (was Fresiia)
Catherine Zickgraf
Agora Road
The Kid with the Chemicalz
Trash Marine
Five Corners
Tovera Chronicles