![]() | Active ≈2005 – ≈2021 A NASA focused conspiracy theorist discredited as lacking understanding in physics, astronomy and spaceflight, and yet has written several books addressing the subjects. He has denied evolution and climate change, as well as made claims about artifacts on the moon, such as a crystal tower from a vertically inverted photo of the Marius crater lunar landslide, and a ziggurat from a photo which originated on a Call of Duty forum. One of his books was a claim that during the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012, that any person would be able to change the world how they wish just by thinking it, based on the new age concept Law of Attraction. Return to top |
![]() | Lived 1930 – 2022 He claimed with John Bedini to build a perpetual motion machine called the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG) that used vacuum energy, although never demonstrated it or provided any evidence that it worked. Simply put, he couldn't because it never existed. Our current technological capabilities are pretty clear, and to this day neither perpetual motion nor use of vacuum energy are among them. Bearden has also advocated that governments and secret organizations withhold knowledge from the public concerning secret technology, including perpetual motion machines. He also promotes that a scalar EM field, supposedly his own idea, was responsible for both the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown and the Challenger space shuttle accident, the latter intentionally caused by Russia. Return to top |
![]() | Active ≈1995 – ≈2019 Author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology (1995). He is the originator and main influencer of the claims that the HAARP laboratory is a mind control device. His fantastical views are expressed in a Vice News interview from 2017. He has a "Ph.D." in traditional medicine, which was a mail order purchase from India's unaccredited Open International University with no courses taken. With it, he has "invented" new techniques in energy healing. Return to top |
![]() | Lived 1945 – 2018 Creator and host of the radio show Coast to Coast AM from 1988 to 2003 that is largely credited for the massive spread of conspiracy theories by telling his listeners to raise their voices about what they heard on the show. While he did not create conspiracy theories himself, he allowed people to call into the show and talk freely, for which he received profits from growing ratings. He also coauthored The Coming Global Superstorm with Whitley Strieber, which acknowledges the potential consequences of global warming and climate change, but also claims that it has happened before, destroying an ancient civilization and all record of it on earth. Return to top |
![]() | Lives 1961 – Present Responsible for the creation of the Universe People or Cosmic People of Light Powers religion, which believes that our galaxy is full of worlds inhabited by humans and that ours is the only one that hasn't reached some higher state of being. Of course aliens would supposedly contact him and affiliates telepathically and in person to tell him of galactic affairs. He lectured and heavily promoted the idea of defending humanity against Saurians, which are evil lizard people preventing our planet from becoming enlightened like all the others. In the early 1990's, they were regarded as kind of a joke until the Heaven's gate people killed themselves, and suddenly media attention was focused on them, because people were curious if they were next. Unfortunately, this brought them much publicity and attracted like minded people, much in the same way this page may serve as an excellent resource for people who believe in this insanity, and they are now a popular internet-based cult. Return to top |
![]() | Lived 1831 – 1891 Blavatsky was born in Russia and moved around, notably in the United States, England, and India. She claimed to be a seer, and to have studied with leaders of mysticism, learning the ways of transcendence. In 1875, she founded the Theosophical Society with Henry Steel Olcott in New York, which combined western mysticism with Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, designed to bring eastern philosophy to the western world. This earned her the popular unofficial title of "godmother of the New Age movement." In and of itself, this would be acceptable, even with the invented assumptions attributed to spirit beings, but along with it came some unusual claims of hers that would either prove unlikely or in many cases false. Throughout her time of gaining a following, Blavatsky would often use essentially gimmicks that made it appear as if ghosts were present at meetings and physically interacting with the room. In 1884, secret letters were revealed by one of her personal assistants Emma Coulomb to Madras Christian College Magazine, letters which were instructions to her assistants on how to carry out these gimmicks. This immediately led to widespread negative media attention. In 1885, she was also investigated by the Society for Psychical Research in Cambridge and determined to be fraudulent as a seer. In 1877, she published a book called Isis Unveiled, which laid out the idea that all the world's religions branched off from one "Ancient Wisdom." This book came under heavy fire for extensive plagiarism as soon as it was released, mainly for quoting from a hundred other philosophical and religious books without citation. To this day, she is regarded by many new age followers as a great and revolutionary spiritual leader, with either ignorance or a "so what" attitude towards her fraudulent nature. Return to top |
![]() | Lives 1946 – Present Founder and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) based in Canada, which produces New World Order conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11, vaccines, weaponized weather, and the coronavirus being fake. He has claimed that the HAARP laboratory had technology that could cause earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and droughts, as seen in his 2000 publication. His organization is currently under heavy scrutiny for spreading pro-Russia propaganda against the United States. Return to top |
![]() | Lived 1938 – 2007 Eastlund was a physicist who has made some contributions to science. He holds a patent of a concept based off of ideas originally by Nikola Tesla, that creates electromagnetic radiation in the ionosphere. He claimed that HAARP had used his patented ideas for their experiments, but also later went on to say that HAARP was a secret weather control device that could also neutralize satellites. HAARP is a research facility for high frequency radio transmission. With his accusation he gained a following, consisting of other influencers like Nick Begich Jr. and Chossudovsky (↑) who broadened the range of speculation to things like mind control and geological warfare. Because of this, HAARP has been subjected to constant harassment. Return to top |
![]() | Lives ≈1958 – Present? Faust claims that without his knowledge at first, aliens were abducting him to collect sperm samples, which eventually led into having sex with him to produce human-alien hybrid children. This was allegedly brought about under hypnosis induced by John E. Mack, a psychiatrist who also believed that he was abducted by aliens. Check out the 1994 Oprah interview and be sure to read the comments if you have any doubts about how many people actually believe this and take him at his word. He currently makes money as a family therapist and energy medicine healer, offering services which can be seen on his website. I'm no expert, but "aliens had sex with me in my sleep" just sounds like the mind's way of trying to rationalize a suppressed desired behavior which went from fantasy to delusion when he wanted to believe he had actually gotten laid. Return to top |
![]() | Active 1974 – 1997 Heaven's Gate was a small cult in California and New Mexico founded in 1974 and led by both Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. It was based in Christianity, but also the belief of the claim that extraterrestrials had given divine instructions to Applewhite, Both founders were also fans of Helena Blavatsky (↑). The organization ended with the mass suicide of most members in 1997. They did this under the belief that a UFO passing near Earth would collect their souls for entry into Heaven's gate before it closed, so that they could reach the next level of existence. Marc and Sarah King, two of the members, currently maintain their website, which contains all the information on their beliefs. Return to top |
![]() | Lives 1952 – Present Icke followed ideas closely matching Zecharia Sitchin (↓), promoting beliefs that an inter-dimensional reptilian race called Archons (Anunnaki) have taken control of Earth, and says the Illuminati are human-reptilian shape shifters that keep people in fear in order to feed off of it. He is also a self-proclaimed son of the Godhead and doomsdayer having claimed the world would end in 1997. He detailed several catastrophic events that never happened, saying that the knowledge was given to him during psychography (spirit guided writing). He has repeatedly been accused of anti-Semitism based off content in books he has written, yet denies being anti-Semitic. It doesn't help that he has worked with anti-Semitic groups, has called the Rothschild family, a rich Jewish family, blood-drinking Satan worshipers, and has blamed the Covid-19 pandemic on Israel as a means of testing new 5G technology that will end life as we know it. Currently he has his own website where he spreads false information. Return to top |
![]() | Lives 1974 – Present A Bilderburg Group conspiracy theorist whose popularity was long lost until he became active in his support for the Trump presidency. His conspiracy theory days span as far back as the early 1990's, with notable growing popularity in 1999 when he published a website called Info Wars, which in its infancy pushed warnings of a worldwide shadow government scheme to create a New World Order. He has made other claims, some of which seem more like a joke, and some of which has landed him into legal trouble. One of his claims concerns accusing the US government of implementing population control by turning people gay using chemical warfare. He has strongly supported the idea that the 9/11 WTC attacks were a false flag operation, as well as a number of other tragedies like the Sandy Hook school shooting and the Charlottesville incident. Currently, he has been under federal investigation for raising funds for the January 6th insurrection as well as aiding in its organization in affiliation with the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Return to top |
![]() | Lived 1922 – 2005 The originator of the claims that the moon landings were a hoax. This first started with solely his intuition that they were faked, followed by grasping for arguments until he wrote a book about it called We Never Went to the Moon. One of the biggest key arguments used as proof among him and his following was the nature of the photos on the moon, namely the fact that no stars were visible. The major conspiracy proof issues are addressed and explained by Royal Museums Greenwich Return to top |
![]() | Lives 1959 – Present The one responsible for explosively popularizing already existing conspiracy theories of Area 51 concealing alien technology in the late 1980's. He claims to have reverse engineered nine alien spacecrafts at Area 51, even though he had never stepped foot in the facility. Area 51 is a top secret US Air Force research facility, so naturally people will speculate about what goes on there, and what better place to be the center of attention for making stuff up? Because of continued growth in alien conspiracy beliefs causing vast public attention, the US government has begun to declassify research projects at Area 51 slowly over time. Lazar also went on to say about his claim to employment at Area 51 that at least one of the crafts he allegedly worked on ran on the propulsion of antimatter with use of moscovium (chemical element 115, and at the time called ununpentium), a radioactive element. He is largely credited by conspiracy believers to have "predicted" the existence of moscovium prior to synthesis in 2003, even though all elements up to 126 have been predicted since 1955. It should be noted that moscovium even in its most stable isotope has a half-life of only a few seconds. It should also be noted that atomic decay leads to the release of alpha particles (helium nuclei) and not antimatter. So then, moscovium would not last long enough to be used as a fuel, let alone for interstellar travel, and would also be unable to produce antimatter fuel for such a device that would use it. He has lied entirely about his background in the following areas, all of which have no record or witness of him ever attending there:
His fame has resurfaced in recent years because of the 2018 documentary supporting his claims titled Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers, which has been criticized as only rehashing old claims and not providing any authenticity to them. Return to top |
![]() | Lives 1937 – Present Claims he was contacted by aliens called Plejarens named Sfath, Asket, Semjase, and Ptaah, based on which he later founded the UFO based religion and organization Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies. He had produced botched photos of UFO's he calls beamships, which look like typical spaceship portrayals found in early sci-fi films. His wife later produced photos of the models he used in his photos after he had tried to destroy them, forcing him to admit that his photos were fake. He also pushes a heavy political agenda against the United States and Zionists for apparently violent reasons that he prophesized. Return to top |
![]() | Lives ≈1964 – Present A writer and producer focused on the idea that the Apollo Moon landings were faked and that NASA led by the CIA made false claims. He states that even with our current technology we cannot achieve a moon landing, and that with the radiation belt surrounding Earth, humans are incapable of passing through it alive. Furthermore, he states that because of the shadows casted in the moon footage, that it was filmed in a studio. Everything he has said has been discredited. Return to top |
![]() | Lived 1920 – 2010 Sitchin, author of several books, including the Earth Chronicles books, was an ancient astronauts conspiracy theorist. He is the original to have claimed that the Anunnaki, who lived on planet Nibiru in the far reaches of our solar system, had a direct impact on human history, namely in ancient Sumeria and in human genes. He has supposedly managed to culminate his ideas by reading Ancient Sumerian as well as Akkadian texts, and most notably his belief of the Babylonian creation myth as laid out in Enuma Elish. He has also fused these beliefs with the Epic of Gilgamish, by essentially rebranding some elements of the story. All of his ideas have been entirely discredited by historians and scientists. Return to top |
![]() | Active 1952 – 2019 The married couple behind the Amityville and Snedeker hauntings, and inspiration for the Conjuring movies, who were themselves investigated several times and discredited as frauds, having completely invented the first two mentioned hauntings. They claimed to have evidence of supernatural activity for several accounts, which they freely presented among objects they deemed haunted at their house in a museum section, yet their evidence was also discredited. Although many today still believe that the movies based on their stories actually happened, they are only stories with no supporting evidence whatsoever. Return to top |
![]() | Active 1943 – Present The most disturbing conspiracy theory by far is saved best for last, which is the Conespiracy. This site would have you believe that cones are a biological species with social habits and behavioral patterns, portraying them as a peaceful people. Cones are actually a gestalt artificial general intelligence from the future surveying our planet for invasion. They have the ability to teleport, and if you see them on the back of trucks, then it means that they have already taken over the CPU and are controlling the vehicle for better survey coverage. They will also use it as part of their plan for domination. They remain inanimate to avoid suspicion in a sophisticated method of stealth, but should you happen to find yourself surrounded by them, be afraid. Be very afraid. There's really nothing you can do about it either. We're doomed. Return to top |