Animal Welfare

Planned Pethood International

Originally started as single clinic called Planned Pethood Plus, Planned Pethood International is a successful veterinary organization founded by Dr. Jeff Young, the Rocky Mountain Vet. It was created with the intention of being able to handle a large volume of animals needing treatment for an affordable cost to pet owners while maintaining quality excellence in care.

Although trying to maintain such an entity was a struggle at first, after pushing its outreach, Planned Pethood began to thrive and expand. It started receiving global recognition and high praises, especially after it was made known that Dr. Jeff continued working throughout his first years-long battle with cancer. His TV show ran for a total of eight seasons on Animal Planet wherein many of his day-to-day operations were filmed, and his organization was displayed as an icon for what animal welfare should be. For those of you interested in donating, please visit Dr. Jeff Young's GoFundMe page to help with his second battle with cancer.

It should be noted that veterinarian Jeff Young is not to be confused with Equine veterinarian Jeff Young, both of which graduated from Colorado State University.

Worldwide Resources

Animal Welfare Institute (AWI)

Global Alliance for Rabies Control


Save Me

Compassion in World Farming (CIWF)

Humane Slaughter Association

International Animal Rescue

Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

Vets for Change

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)